Saturday, January 20, 2018

Door of Hope

For the past few years, I have prayed and asked God for a word and scripture for the new year. This year He has given me the word "HOPE" based on beautiful scripture from Hosea 2:14-15..

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her,
Will bring her into the wilderness,
And speak comfort to her.
15 I will give her her vineyards from there,
And the Valley of Achor as a door of hope;
She shall sing there,
As in the days of her youth,
As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt."

No one desires the wilderness or desert place, but God often leads us right into that lonely season. We must not forget that God led His own Son there also. The thing is though, it is He that allures us there and that means He is there in the wilderness too. Yes, the desert place may feel desolate and lonely but it can also be a place of vision, revelation, and freedom if we will surrender and follow Him, yes even into the wilderness.

I did not realize how much I like control or how much I lean on my own understanding until recently. God asked us to make a big change without informing us of what the future will look like.

We can have total anxiety or total peace in the wilderness seasons. I am choosing peace because even though I don't know His plans, I do know Him! And He is good and His plans are good, therefore I trust Him! 

The beautiful truth is that often the Valley of Achor (trouble) is our door of HOPE. When we know who He is, all our hope is in Him!

I wrote a poem recently during this difficult yet hopeful and exciting season. I pray it speaks to you as you gain His sight in your valley allowing you to see the door of HOPE. 

Door of Hope

The wilderness is dark and lonely
Your light leads me down the rocky slope
Only You make the valley of trouble
As a door of hope

You desired me without distraction
You allured me to this desert place
Away from the other voices
Where I can truly seek Your face

Following You to the desolate valley
Or upon treacherous heights
No matter where You lead
I won't look back, even on the darkest nights

I look ahead not knowing what is next
The path is unknown, yet my heart full of trust
You, my Guide have ordered my steps
My Creator, you are faithful and just

Even in the valley, You provide rest
You will never lead me astray
My heart and feet are bound to Yours
You are my Shepherd and perfect is Your way

There is liberty in the valley with You
Yes, I see the door of hope and I sing
My strength and joy restored
My God, to You alone, I will cling

I won't surrender to self pity
If I have Your vision and sight
You are my shield and reward
Onward and upward through this plight

For Only You make the valley of trouble
As a door of hope

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