Thursday, December 14, 2017

At the King's Table

As I stumble to the king's throne
I've never felt so afraid and alone

He summoned me, me the crippled and lame
He even summoned me by name

Oh, why have I been called by the king?
Embarrassed, I have nothing to bring

How ashamed I am of these rags I wear
His royalty is too much to bear

In his presence I fall on my face
Hoping to be shown a sliver of grace

He speaks, and his voice is soft and low
I realize he sees me not as his foe

Did I hear him right?
I'm unworthy of this delight

An invitation to sit at the king's table
He wasn't bothered by my appearance or label

He didn't even seem to notice my flaws
As I was carried down the palace halls

I am Mephibosheth
This honor takes my breath

There it is, an empty seat just for me
From Lo-debar to the palace, how can this be?

As a son I am treated
As I am carefully seated

From helpless and lame
To full of joy and free of all shame

The feast, oh yes it is a sight
But cannot compare to my masters glory and light

From rags to royalty
I've never known such love and loyalty

I was forever changed the day I fell
But now at the king's table, all is well

I am the king's honored guest
And at his table I finally find rest

Don't you see, we are Mephibosheth too
The King of kings makes us new

An invitation, so glorious
God, Himself desiring to dine with us

Will we accept His gracious invite?
Or will we make excuses, saying "not tonight"

He is knocking gently upon our hearts door
Will we allow Him in, to stay forevermore?

One day, later will be too late
Don't be the one in sorrow at the gate

Say yes to Jesus, the One and only Savior
At His table encounter His love, joy, and favor

There is a seat waiting for you at the King's table

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