Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Opportunities to Pray

I've been reading "Discipline, the Glad Surrender"  by Elisabeth Elliot and it is packed full of godly wisdom. There have been many moments where I have read a paragraph and had to lay the book down to ponder and soak it all in.

In the first chapter she is alone in Texas looking out her window admiring all of God's beautiful creatures when she sees a javilina (wild pig) limping.

Then she wrote: "I wish I could bind up the hoof, comfort him somehow. That is beyond my powers, but I have recourse to another kind of succor, better than any bandage. I pray for him."

"It is possible that he was brought to my window this morning precisely in order to be prayed for."

Wow, I wish I always had this mindset. When things are going on around me, to remember that God has placed me there to pray. No matter how small or big a matter is, it's all a simple matter to the Lord, so pray, about everything! See everything as an opportunity to pray!

That simple story has stuck with me. All around us everyday, God is inviting us to join Him in what He is doing through prayer. Sadly, most of the time we are too consumed with self or too distracted to notice these heavenly opportunities.

Today I was out most of the day with our middle son. He had his yearly cardiologist appointment first thing this morning. We are so thankful that all his tests look wonderful!

On the way out to the parking deck we heard the helicopter at the hospital take off. We knew they were rushing to someone in great need, so we prayed. We prayed for the workers and for the patient they were going to treat.

Not far from the hospital, we saw a lady who appeared to be homeless and we felt helpless, so again, we prayed. We prayed for God to provide her every need.

It has become a tradition to visit Krispy Kreme after Daylen's cardiologist visits. We walked in and saw the custodian sitting down with a pained look on his face and he was rubbing his leg. I asked him if he was ok and he said "yes, I'm just so tired and achy; my feet and legs swell so bad." I then asked him if Daylen and I could pray with him. He said "of course!" After we prayed, the man raised both of his arms in renewed strength and joy of the Lord. Wow! What an opportunity to pray!

Then the nice young man who patiently waited on us to decide how many glazed donuts we wanted has a nephew who had a kidney transplant recently. Another opportunity to pray!

On the way home, we pulled over to show respect for a funeral procession. Then, Daylen prayed for this family who had just lost a loved one so close to Thanksgiving. He prayed, asking God to comfort them and be their peace.

I think a change of perspective is a good change. Seeing every situation as an opportunity to talk to our Father. When we feel helpless, pray. When we are thankful, pray. When we are tired, pray. When we see someone struggling, pray. When we don't know what to do, pray.
Pray. Pray. Pray.

Our prayers are never in vain.
"Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath" Psalm 116:2

What an honor to be able to be in constant communion with our Heavenly Father. May we become more and more aware of His presence and His desire to commune with us.

And may we become more and more aware of opportunities to seek Him, praise Him, ask of Him, talk and laugh with Him, listen to Him. May we become more aware of opportunities to pray.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


  1. Holy moly this is EXACTLY what Gods been teaching me lately! I blogged about this two days ago, down to this very verse! Thank you for the encouragement!!! God is moving, He is calling His people to PRAY!

  2. Absolutely! It is amazing how prayer can seem like such a small thing, when really it is HUGE, when we think about the fact that we're calling on the God of the Universe to act on our behalf or on the behalf of others. Last year, we had one of the maintenance men from our complex in to fix our stove. While he was there, he was sharing some struggles he was having in his job (we had met a few times before). As he was talking I felt so overwhelmed by his need. Then I thought I should ask to pray for him, but I was afraid. Finally, as he was about to go out the door, I got the courage. I prayed for him in my kitchen and God just came. Tears were streaming down this big mans face. It was awesome.

    1. Wow! Melissa that is awesome! What an encouragement you were to that man that day. Walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit is a beautiful thing!

  3. I love this! I like to pray like this, too. We stop and pray whenever we hear an ambulance, for example. I don’t usually stop and pray with people, though. This is something I’d like to do!

    Heather Bock
