Thursday, June 16, 2016


I've been watching this one branch on a tree in our yard for weeks now. We call this tree our third base tree because we have three maple trees in our yard that are in perfect positions for first, second, and third bases for our baseball and kickball games.

The leaves on this branch looked just like the other leaves on the tree, but the branch itself was hanging low. Upon closer inspection, the branch was actually barely hanging on. I wondered how long it would thrive as it was halfway detached. Day after day it looked completely normal except from being lower than the other branches.

But gradually, we began to notice it's leaves were slowly fading and deteriorating. Now the leaves are dead and the branch will have to be cut away from the tree.

That branch reminded me of myself at times in the past. Maybe you can relate also? You know those times when I thought I could do life on my own and neglected my relationship with Jesus. At first everything seems fine but over time, like these leaves we begin to fade away and deteriorate. Why? Because Jesus is the true Vine and we are the branches. Without Him we can do nothing! In the passage about the Vine and branches in John 15, Jesus says the word "Abide" 10 times.

Anything Jesus says is important, but if He says something 10 times in the same passage I believe we better take notice! Many accept Him, that part doesn't require much effort but it takes self discipline and laying ourselves down to ABIDE in Him.

Abide means to remain, obey, follow. How do we abide? I heard a preacher on the radio recently say "we must guard against the drift, the drift is slow and subtle." When we neglect our time in the presence of the Lord and prayer and time in His Word we are not guarding against the drift. We set ourselves up to be an open target for the enemy.

Recently I was in a situation that caused fear to rise up in me. Immediately the Holy Spirit dropped a verse in my spirit "what time I am afraid,  I will trust in thee." Psalm 56:3. That fear would have consumed me if He had not comforted me with His Word.  If we are not abiding in Him and hiding His Word in our hearts, we are opening the door for fear, doubts and worry. Abiding in Him brings about the abundant life that Jesus came to give.

That branch looked like it was doing well for a time but in truth it was barely surviving. There are many believers who may look like they have it all together but feel like they are barely surviving. Becoming detached from the Vine is a slow and subtle process. The schemes and distractions of the enemy make it easy to become attached to the things of this world instead of remaining in Jesus, our true Vine. Casting Crowns has a song called "slow fade" that describes how a believer drifts off course. It doesn't happen over night, it's a slow fade. We must guard against the "drift" the "slow fade."

This branch is without hope but we are most certainly not! I'm so thankful God's mercies are new every morning and His Word promises that if we draw near to Him that He will draw near to us. He is faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to Him. He is so good and when we truly encounter Him and experience His presence, we want nothing more than to ABIDE in Him. Have you distanced yourself from Jesus, your very source of life? If you have, will you draw near to Him? He has not left you, He loves you and has been pursuing you. He desires a beautiful and intimate relationship with you. His promises are true. Why would we not remain in, obey, follow, abide in such a beautiful Savior and Creator.

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