Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pouring Your Heart Out

My boys love to wear costumes. They love pretending to be Spiderman or Hulk or a Transformer. They will play for hours just dressing up in different costumes. Most of these costumes come with masks. My boys don’t seem to mind them, but I have never been a fan of wearing masks. Most masks are hard to see out of and feel so hot and suffocating.  

You don’t have to be a child pretending to be a power ranger saving the world to wear a mask. We adults wear them too and sometimes on a daily basis. What is your normal response when someone asks “how are you?” We usually reply “I am fine” when the truth may be that we’re really not fine. In fact we’re not even ok.

We can hide behind our masks pretending everything is ok and we can fool most people. However, there is One who we cannot hide from because He knows our heart and our every thought. We sometimes treat God like He is man and keep things from Him, how silly of us!

Psalm 62:8 says “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”

We trust God when we are able to pay the bills, everyone is healthy and things are going good.  It’s another thing to trust Him at ALL times. What about when the bank account is low or when sickness has taken over our homes or when we receive unexpected news? This verse also calls us to pour out our hearts before Him. It is so refreshing to pour everything out before the Lord. Yes He already knows all my thoughts and feelings, but He still wants me to pour myself out to Him. He knows this is something I need to do. He doesn’t want me to wear a mask with Him and pretend I am ok. I can get on my knees and pour my concerns, frustrations, fear, sin, love, and praise out before Him and get up a new person filled with Jesus and ready for whatever the day holds.

The last line in this verse even gives us the reason we can trust Him at all times and why we can pour our hearts out to Him. “God is a refuge for us.” He is our safe place, our strong tower, our hiding place. We cannot hide FROM God but we can most certainly hide IN God. (Psalm 32:7, Psalm 119:114) I can enter into His presence, my Hiding Place and I will never leave feeling condemned, unworthy or unsatisfied. I can pour myself out to Him and He is faithful to fill me back up with Himself.

He is completely trustworthy; He has not and will not fail you. Go ahead, take your mask off and pour your heart out to Him. After all He is our refuge and He will not leave you empty!

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